مــصــنــع دراكــه للــفــيبر جــلاس و جــى آر ســي

In our company we take part our services on the Design and Analysis of our products to meet clients specifications and also we provide them with good quality products.
We design GRC as per consultant’s desired specification
We analyze the stability and rigidity of our fixing systems to meet the desidred results.
The usual procedure that we have is that architectural drawings plans comes from the project general contractor. Having these drawings we study these with GRC elements and we make shop drawings including the fixing system out of it and will be submitted to the project consultant for approval. This always happen on big projects having the availability of the drawings. Some of our clients also does not provide auto cad drawings, they only hand over some photos of perspective for our reference. In this manner we in Durraka Factory for Fiberglass and GRC will be the one to draw these GRC elements as per the fixing dimenions at the site. Basically we can design for you different proposal for all decorative GRC Elements which are vague in the plans.
After all the GRC elements have been identified and drawn according to the specified scale that fits the actual site condition, we will check for the resistance of each GRC element to withstand high wind velocity and earthquake. For earthquake analysis, it should be stated in the specification to include later in the analysis. The usual analysis we use are applied with wind load and dead load, especially on higher altitude fixing location. We determine the the right thickness of each GRC element to handle wind load, the dead load and the earthquake load imposed on the product. We not only provide the analysis on GRC alone but we also perform structural analysis for the bonding pads, the welding works and steel frames structure that hold the GRC in place in the absence of structural concrete supports. Bolt analysis and internal GRC embeds are also to be subjected for analysis as for the whole system to work perfectly.